What We Do
- RBT offers programs for teachers to support their professional growth, strengthen collegiality and encourage experimentation through direct study of the knowledge base on teaching and development of peer coaching skills.
- RBT works with evaluators and school leaders to enhance their individual leadership skills and to develop a set of durable, meaningful system-wide structures for creating a professional growth cycle that includes teacher supervision and evaluation.
- RBT coaches leaders on strategies for change and procedures that strengthen school culture and organizational effectiveness at all levels.
- RBT trains data coaches and data teams.
- RBT publishes books and produces products and videos of interest to educators, focusing on teaching, leadership, and school culture.
- RBT helps districts build in-house professional development capacity to ensure skillful teaching and implement teacher evaluation systems.
A Focus on Sustainable Improvement
We know that the key to increasing student achievement is the sustainable improvement of teaching and learning, so RBT works with our partners to build a system-wide implementation plan to ensure that the focus on teaching expertise and continuous improvement is woven throughout the district processes and policies.

Learn more about our services
We have programs and services to meet your needs- individuals or groups, standard or customized.

Who We Are
RBT consultants are professional educators who draw from their own experiences as former administrators and classroom teachers. They have long-term consulting relationships with school districts across the United States and provide professional development programs to hundreds of teachers and leaders each year.

Mission, Vision, Core Values
The knowledge and skills for High Expertise Teaching is huge and complex. Research For Better Teaching is committed to supporting educators to develop the skills and beliefs to deliver quality instruction to every child, regardless of the circumstances of their birth.

More than 45 years of history
RBT was founded in 1979 based on Dr. Jon Saphier’s dissertation, The Skillful Teacher. Learn more about the founding and evolution of the organization.
Who We Work With
RBT has worked with educators and schools in 41 states and 18 countries. We offer core programs to schools and districts with 25 or more participants as well as open enrollment opportunities for individuals. Find out more about how to bring RBT to your school or district.