Welcome to the RBT website
Welcome to the Research For Better Teaching website. I invite you to explore and learn more about our organization.
Our approach has always been to offer the highest quality staff development; and in the last decade we've focused on systemic change - improvement that lasts from generation to generation of leaders, that survives changes in school boards. This requires systems thinking and understanding the processes that impact the quality of teaching along with deliberate work to get them to integrate with one another. It puts us in the position of being critical friends and effective coaches at multiple levels in a school district.
Since our founding, RBT has believed and acted on two core principles: every child deserves a quality education regardless of the circumstances of their birth; and all children are capable of growing their ability and learning to proficiency.
Never has the need been greater to close achievement gaps, reduce dropout rates, and better serve diverse student populations. And these challenges can be met, as demonstrated by the growing number of schools that are achieving extraordinary results, against all odds. The opportunity now is to make these success stories the norm rather than the exception-by focusing on the single most important factor in student learning: teaching expertise.
Today, RBT partners with over 100 school districts a year, suburban and urban, large and small, to plan for, implement, monitor, and sustain improvements in teaching and learning over time. Our client districts use RBT's publications, products, professional development programs, and consulting to apply a focused, coherent, and systemic approach to:
- Equip teachers with High-Expertise Teaching skills as well as the courage and conviction to assure that all students meet the rigorous standards and acquire the 21st Century skills to achieve in the workplace. Learn more about Skillful Teaching
- Prepare leaders to execute thoughtful and efficient teacher evaluation and support teacher development. Learn more about Skillful Leadership
- Build robust teacher teams that make effective use of multiple sources or data, especially formative assessments, to continuously improve teaching and learning. Learn more about Skillful Data Use
RBT's expertise and approach can help your school or district advance these and other goals for improvement. We are sure that what we offer can make a difference today and we look forward to working with you in the future.