Overview of Lane County Education Service District
- One of 19 Education Service Districts in Oregon
- Offers services to local school districts to aid in providing equitable learning opportunities to students in their communities
- Serves the 16 school districts in Lane County
- Lane County districts enroll 44,306 students in 105 schools including 71% white, 17% Hispanic/Latino, 65% free/reduced lunch, 16% students with disabilities, and 8% English Language Learners
- Lane County districts employ 205 administrators, 2337 teachers, and 1097 other school staff
RBT Services
Description of Services
In 2014, RBT began to work with the Lane County ESD to establish the Lane County Teaching and Learning Academy and an In-District Instructor program. Through the Teaching and Learning Academy, RBT and the ESD offer the following modules for Building High Expertise Teaching for Student Achievement (related to Studying Skillful Teaching):
- Knowledge Base of Teaching (Module 1)
- Essential Elements of Planning and Lesson Design (Module 2A)
- Formative Assessment for Results (Module 2B)
- Making Student Thinking Visible (Module 3)
- High Expectations Teaching (Module 4)
- Using Principles of Learning to Maximize Student Learning and Engagement (Module 5)
In addition, they offer the following programs for Sustaining High-Expertise Teaching:
- Analyzing Teaching for Student Results (ATSR)
- Building a Strong Adult Professional Culture (APC)
- Coaching for Sustainable School Improvement (CSSI)
- Differentiated Conferencing
Administrators and teachers from all 16 Lane County school districts have participated in programs offered by RBT and Lane County ESD including almost 1200 who have completed an SST module. Greatest participation by Springfield School District (437 participants), Eugene School District (249 participants), and South Lane School District (199 participants). In addition, they have prepared 15 In-District Instructors (IDIs) to offer RBT programs.
Assessment of Services
- 98% reported that SST module presenters were knowledgeable and well-prepared
- 97% reported that SST module presenters were responsive
- 98% reported that SST modules were well-organized and met their goals

RBT's Impact
Studying Skillful Teaching, and using all of the concepts they have given me… has transformed the way that I teach, in that I am just so much more mindful in what I am doing, how that translates to what student are doing, how I am intentional in my planning, and how that looks in my day to day processes of my classroom and my students learning and activities overall. |
Carmen AdlerLanguage Arts Teacher, Cottage Grove High School |
- 96% reported that SST modules provided them knowledge and tools useful for their jobs
- 94% reported that SST modules provided valuable information
- 91% reported that they would recommend SST modules to their colleagues

What Lane County Staff Said About RBT
RBT training has become an integral part of how we do and conduct teacher observations and the type of feedback we give teachers. It has been our anchor in terms of where we put our PD efforts. |
Suzanne PriceDirector of Elementary Education, Springfield School District |
- “RBT training shifted our focus to deeply looking at instruction and creating an adult professional culture where teachers are having real conversations about instruction.” Rachel Gwynn, Principal, Springfield School District
- “RBT training has opened communication with students. This has helped kids know that I care about them; that I’m not going to give up on them; that I have high expectations.” Kyle Minney, Teacher, Springfield School District
- “Having administrators participate along with teachers gave us instant impact in the classrooms.” Mike Harkelerode, Principal, Suislaw School District
- “When you go from building to building, you see more continuity in instruction and use of high-leverage practices.” Whitney McKinley, Curriculum Coordinator, Springfield School District
For teachers who engaged in the program, their instruction has taken the next step – from student evaluation to planning … and that is even bearing out in teacher evaluation results. |
Krista Parentformer Superintendent of South Lane School District |
Key Information
- RBT & Lane County ESD began to develop the Lane County Teaching and Learning Academy
- All 16 Lane County districts have participated in programs offered by RBT
- Prepared 15 In-District Instructors
- About 1,200 staff have completed SST modules
- 96% of participants reported that they gained useful knowledge and tools through SST modules