"Hallway Conversations": Greeting Students with Expectation Messages: High School Transitions Script Without RBT Analysis
This is a script for the video: Expectations, PRB, & Momentum: "Hallway Conversations": Greeting Students with Expectation Messages: High School Transitions
Just before class starts, Mr. Herrmann takes advantage of being able to contact students in the hallway for expectations messages, personal relationship building, and coaching about the behaviors that will work best in class that day.
Mr. Herrman is in the hall giving out a do-now to each student as they enter class. He greets them with a friendly word. Notice the conversation about an incident that occurred yesterday when he was not there and anticipation moves he makes to ensure things go more smoothly today between two students who were in conflict.
After watching this clip, share ideas on other times and places where you have opportunities to send these messages.
For more information refer to p. 274 of the Expectations chapter of The Skillful Teacher.
Just before class starts, Mr. Herrmann takes advantage of being able to contact students in the hallway for expectations messages, personal relationship building, and coaching about the behaviors that will work best in class that day.
Mr. Herrman is in the hall giving out a do-now to each student as they enter class. He greets them with a friendly word. Notice the conversation about an incident that occurred yesterday when he was not there and anticipation moves he makes to ensure things go more smoothly today between two students who were in conflict.
After watching this clip, share ideas on other times and places where you have opportunities to send these messages.
For more information refer to p. 274 of the Expectations chapter of The Skillful Teacher.
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