Modeling Thinking Aloud Action Template
This is a resource for the video: Clarity: Introduction to Modeling Thinking Aloud: Elementary
This video is intended as a self-contained package for people to learn how to do Modeling Thinking Aloud. The follow-up exercises are essential if a person is actually to learn how to perform the skill with any proficiency. The video is a good basis for a study-group to work together ad do peer observation for the 10 steps -- "which ones did I get in when you watched me?"
This video is intended as a self-contained package for people to learn how to do Modeling Thinking Aloud. The follow-up exercises are essential if a person is actually to learn how to perform the skill with any proficiency. The video is a good basis for a study-group to work together ad do peer observation for the 10 steps -- "which ones did I get in when you watched me?"
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