Of all the things that are important to having good schools, nothing is as important as the teacher and what that person knows, believes, and can do. |
Jon SaphierRBT Founder |
The Impact of High-Expertise Teaching
For over 40 years RBT has delivered professional development to teachers across the country as well as internationally. We have collected and reviewed evidence to show the positive impact of this work on teacher practice and student results from our teaching courses including:
Participant Outcomes and Feedback
Participants in our teaching courses consistently report a positive and immediate impact on their teaching.

View all our case studies from schools and districts across the country showing that students and the entire school community benefit from RBT programs.
RBT Teaching Courses
Studying Skillful Teaching: Promoting Motivation, Learning, and Achievement (SST)
Our Studying Skillful Teaching course is RBT’s cornerstone program for building teachers’ capacity – the knowledge and skills as well as the courage and conviction – to promote students’ motivation, learning, and increased achievement. It is based on the belief that teaching is a process of decision-making; and that skillful teachers never stop learning through experimentation, data analysis, study, and collegial sharing about what works best for their students.

This course was truly career changing for me. This class offered me exactly what I needed and I grew more as an educator this year than ever. I thoroughly enjoyed this course and feel it was crucial in my growth as an educator this year. |
SST Participant |
High-Expectations Teaching (Hi-Ex)
Do you believe in every student's ability to learn?
Our High Expectations Teaching course examines the myth of the bell curve, and walks participants through what it looks like and sounds like when a teacher acts authentically from a growth mindset. Participants learn how to choose language, develop classroom structures, and use effective instructional strategies to motivate all students, but particularly to get low-performing, low-confidence students to change their stereotypes about themselves.

This course has introduced ways of thinking about my students' experience in the classroom that I've never been exposed to before. As a teacher, I'm usually so focused on the quality of materials, structure, and access to skill that I don't naturally think of how my implicit messages, classroom culture, questioning patterns, and attention to affect/relationship building/community often supersedes my academic passions. Thank you for helping me value my students' needs more than my own. |
High-Ex Participant |
Making Student Thinking Visible (MSTV)
Who does the majority of the talking in your classroom?
This program equips teachers to create robust talk environments where students talk more than teachers and at a high level of thinking. When skillfully applied, these skills build students’ social skills, classroom climate, and high levels of engagement in meaningful ways across grade levels and content areas.

I typically am very cynical toward programs like this having taught for almost 15 years. After the first few modules, I began to realize that this program was actually relevant and useful for my teaching. |
MSTV Participant |
Foundations in Teaching (FIT)
Beginning teachers need practical skills so that they can be successful in their first couple of years of teaching. This program addresses what skillful teachers must know and do to build an effective learning environment.